
Recently, I began to ponder on why don’t we vote for presidents and senate at the same time. My mother told me its because the president , senate and other people being elected into office need supporters and if they were all to run in the same periods then everyone would be competing for themselves; aka no support and a chaotic mess.

Then I decided I wanted more info. Why hold it on Tuesday?

So according to Why Tuesday in 1845 America had an agrarian culture . Meaning that America had to set a aside a day that wouldn’t interfere with worship days  and work; to make a long story short Tuesday fitted this standard best at the time.

I love brain pop its so informational and funny.

When you watch the video please take in to mind what in the world was Russel Simmons doing in their house. O.O


If you want more info then check out these sites :


Voting informational websites:



What is 9/11 mean to you?

I asked the question “what does 9/11 mean to you?” on yahoo questions and the answers  surprised me. The first respond was from the math category , I bet you can guess what they said ” nine divided by eleven” , whether or not that person was serious that question sparked interest in me. 9/11 is important in American history, but What about the rest of the world? For now I don’t know the answer to that question but I’m hoping maybe I’ll get the answer through yahoo answers; so for now I’ll just wait.

The following are some of the answers I got on yahoo answers:

  • A time where people came together and became compassionate toward each other in the wake of destruction.
  • It’s the numbers you dial in an emergency.
  • It was shocking in our society but people in the east saw it as karma. I think it was terrible but I can see where the karma thing comes from
  • It was horrific and marked the start of another era in world politics. More horrific was the incompetent response from the Bush regime, and the allies that followed the US. It just lead to much much more death and destruction that we are all going to have to pay for for a couple of decades to come.9/11 means we as a country need to stop getting involved in the business of other countries.
  • Part of the reason the United States was attacked was because we as a country are always involving ourselves in other peoples business. I am not saying were bullies or bossy but we come off as a bunch of know it alls and that doesn’t help is gain respect that just causes others to resent us. 9/11 meant to me that the United States spent too much time overseas and not enough time at home. Americans need the support of their government rather than our government going around the world like superman.

If you’d like to see all the answers check out yahoo answers 😀

Happy 4th of July!!

Its a time to celebrate the independence of America. Through rain or shine we will make our Independence Day feast and light the sky with our fire works.

I find it funny that this is the way we celebrate it but then why shouldn’t we. ” And the rockets red glare the bombs burtsing in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there!”   It’s a great time for celebration so don’t spend it alone 😀 Spend it with family, friends or that stranger you just meet today.

People V Frank


Tom Frank was accused of killing one of his female employees ,Mary Phagan, in 1913; he was innocent but at the time racism against Jews  controlled the dictation. Frank was a Jew and like many others at his time lived in Alabama ,Georgia , which was considered a safe haven for Jews. Frank was also a nervous man in general and he at times looked guilty in this case for his nervous behavior.Its surely is interesting how many woman said he was a perv.

Jim Conley was ever so guilty. There was more evidence that he committed this crime than the OJ cases.First, he was dismissed as an ignorant black man who was stupid and little educated; However, Conley was actually a very intelligent and crafty black man who knew more than he lead on. The jury thought that if the detectives couldn’t prove him wrong then his stories, of lies, must be true.  Also, one thing the court missed was how proper his English was, especially since the fact that they though he had bad grammar was used to prove his innocence. Second, this man changed his story a multitude of times to the point where it became  ridiculous.Third, there were photos released of him killing the girl, which with held from the court at the time of the case and wasn’t released until  after the jurisdiction was made. Sadly even with that info out Frank wasn’t released from his sentence.


Interestingly this case brought on a myriad of events in history. There were two main events: The killing of Frank in 1915, the first well known hate crime against Jews in the United States,  and The second rising of the Ku Klux Klan, surprisingly in honor of the Mary Phagan’s death.

A Spartan Childhood

Spartans experience the hardships of life from the day they are born. If a Spartan baby has even the smallest deformity they are considered as too weak to survive life any further and are disposed of as if they were trash; This is because all that matters to Spartans is if a child is useful to the state, which was usually in the form of warfare and child labor.


By the age of seven young boys were taken away from their families to be trained for the military, which is what their parents proud.During this process of preparing these boys for future battles they weren’t feed often, taught not to cry,  stripped of individuality like a fraternity, and the older they got the harder the training. Often they grew up seeing their friends die, another preparation for war. Also other than becoming warriors to become men Spartans had to strangle  someone and not get caught in the action, or else they would be severely punished, in order to become a man.


The Girls on the other hand entered into this training a bit later like when they were about ten years old until they were twelve because they were expected to be able to defend their nation when the men were out fighting. And it is for this reason that Spartan mothers believed in tough love.

P.s. Next time you say or even think life is hard, try walking one day in the shoes of a Spartan and see if you’d want to reconsider that statement :*


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Namaste, Namaskaar, Kaise hain or what is simply known as hello.Hinduism is primarily found in India and the name Hindu came from the Persian “Sanskrit sindu” which literally means river. Hinduism has no founder or date of origin recorded and for all we know it practically came out of nowhere. The source of the sacred texts is unknown as well. The earliest anyone has been able to track Hinduism is 2000 BC qualifying it to be one of the oldest religions to survive. Hindus called religion Sanatama Dharma, “eternal religion or truth.”

Hinduism is a polytheistic religion because they do not have one god they have many; they have a myriad of gods and goddesses also known as devas. Brahma is their most important god they call him the creator. Their six well known Gods are Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna, Ardhnarishwara, and Buddha. Their gods have no exact gender. Vishnu is known as a preserver, and Shiva is known to be a destroyer which the complete opposite of Vishnu. Ganesha is probably considered the most noticed in America because of his elephant features. They also have Vedic gods too, there so happens to be three Indra, Agni and Varuna. Indra has control over war and rain, Agni is Fire sacrifice known to be an umpire between the gods, and Varuna is he deals with morality, guilt and forgiveness. This religion does not promote idol worship but to move forward they use the aiding of temples and idols as practice and devotion. The religion urges its people to gradually work on the progress in pursuit of the Truth.


Their language of origin is Sanskrit and they worshiped their gods in temples or homemade shrines. Hinduism is more than mysterious practice. It is the way of life that encompasses family, society, politics, business, art, and health behaviors. Also Family life is considered as a sacred duty. The sacred texts of Hinduism are the Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras, Bhagavad Gita. Many believe that evil, death, and sin are a mere illusion of the mind. Thus leading to where they believe that when a bad or evil life is lived that one will be forced in reincarnation, which is the rebirthing of the soul into another bodily form. Until they live life the right way. Bringing forth their purpose of life, which according to Hinduism is to be unfettered from the cycle of reincarnation matter of fact it is their highest goal; moksha. Moksha is when one completes union with Brahman. Also they live according to dharma but Hinduism is crafted around the belief of Brahman. Atman, one’s self of true nature and Brahman traps in the samara, cycle of endless death and reincarnation. Similar to the Ten Commandments Hinduism has ten Commitments; Ahimsa (do not harm), Satya (do not lie), Asteya (do not steal), Brahmacharya (do not over indulge), Aparigraha (do not be greedy), Saucha (be clean), Santosha (be content), Tapas (be self- disciplined), Svadhyaya (study), Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender to god). They are very mindful of what makes up the universe. Siva is the creator, maintainer and destroyer of life. Karma is all of one’s actions that will affect his one’s fate. India’s caste system is supported by reincarnation into where the karma places you. Determined by the four Varna that determines jobs like Brahmins (priest), Kshatriyas (nobles and warriors), Vaishyas (commoners) and Sudras (servants).Former colonial government Later on the caste system was abolished from government but the people are still affected by it.

Indus Valley civilization or Harappan civilization did not do much writing in their time but they did leave behind evidence of the Hindu culture. They left behind ruins of baths, altar like structures, and terracotta figures that resemble certain things done in the Hindu culture. Indus Valley culture declined in population right about 1800 BC due to possible flooding or drought. Although until recently Aryans, whose name is taken from the Sanskrit language meaning “noble”, were held responsible for the decline because at around that time was when they invaded India and Iran. The Sanskrit language and verdict religion is foundational to the religion’s attribute to Aryans and decedents.

Sacred scriptures have a major influence on art and drama. Classical music from India are persuaded by ancient scriptures and through the meditation of the music one can attain self realization. Their music is called sangeet; it is believed to have a mythological background and is related to singers with what some call heavenly voices, or Gandharvas. To them the music is not entertainment but the revenue to spiritual or moral connection. Their music is based on the melodic scale and rhythm, or Raga and Tala. Talas are very difficult rhythmic patterns and Ragas are sometimes connected by means of magical powers. Their instruments were everything from your regulars like the flute to other objects like a table. Even though their most ancient instrument is the drum the most important instrument is Veena. Most of their instruments were sourced from the Islamic religion.

Yoga is so important that it has sacred text dedicated to it like Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and so much more. Their yoga is also known as a path that achieves a spiritual goal; love and devotion (Bhakti Yoga), right action (Karma Yoga), meditation (Rāja Yoga), and wisdom (Jñāna Yoga).Also one is allowed to favor a path or type of yoga over another.


According to the holy texts “There are eight different types of Hindu marriages,” many of these marriages are still taking place in common day India. The eight types do not have a religious method. The last four are usually in the Hinduism society looked down upon. These eight types of marriages are Brahma, Daiva, Arsha, Prajapatya, Gandharva, Asura, Rakshasa, and Paishacha. The Brahma marriage is when a boy finishes Brahmacharya or student hood, he earns the right to be married. Then father asks, for his son, the chosen possible bride’s parents for her hand in marriage. And then if offer is accepted a marriage is established. In this type of wedding they have a tradition similar to ours called kanyadaan where a father would give his daughter to the groom. Among the eight types the highest type of marriage is the dharmasastras. Daiva marriage is when a girl is marries a priest. The girl’s family finds a man suitable to marry their daughter and if they cannot find a groom in such places where a sacrifice is being conducted. According to the religious texts “Daiva marriage is inferior to Brahma marriage. It is considered degrading for the woman to look for groom by herself or by her family.”An Arsha marriage is occurs only with the sages. In this situation the guy is given two cows in exchange for him marrying the sage’s daughter. This usually happened when the parents didn’t have enough money to give their daughters a proper wedding; the girl is married to an old sage and this is situation is more of a transfer of profits. Prajapatya Marriage is nearly similar to the fist type of marriage Brahma. The major difference is no monetary dealings and Kanyadaan is not a part of Prajapatya marriage. In this case the search for a groom, done by the father, is successful. Next is Gandharva marriage is a marriage that is kept between the bride and groom and is usually done out of love. The marriage is considered wrong because it’s against parents will. In Asura marriage the groom is not the right man for the bride; the marriage is more like a business with the groom and brides parents. A Rakshasa marriage is when the groom brawls with family of the bride in order to marry the girl, wins and persuades her into marriage. A Paishacha marriage is when a female is married against her wishes, which is illegal.

Some of the major holidays are Mahashivaratri, Rama Navami, Krishna Jayanti, Raksābandhana, Kumbh Mela, Ganesha-Chaturthi, Dassera, Navaratri, Holi and Diwali. Mahashivaratri is a night dedicated to Shiva runs from February to March. Rama Navami is birthday of Rama which occurs only in April. Krishna Jayanti Krishna’s birthday this is celebrated for two months; July and August. Ganesha-Chaturthi festival of Ganesha it goes from August to September. Dassera is an event in time when Ravana the demon king was defeated by Rama in battle. Navaratri is Ramas holiday over his victory which is celebrated in south India from September to October. Holi is the festival of colors and spring. Diwali is the festival of lights and Laksmi. Holi occurs from February to March as Diwali occurs from September to October. There are more than a thousand Hindu festivals. Holidays are based on the cycle of nature. Marking seasons change, celebrate harvest and encourage fertility of land. Major Hindu festivals are held all throughout India. festivals are to purify, leave hateful influences, restore society, bridge over critical movements and stimulate or revive the vital power of nature rituals including worship, processions, magical arts, music, dancing, eating, drinking and feeding poor.

Links dude:

I Can’t Belive It’s Nefertiti!

Discovery Channel the secrets they uncover and discover that may have happened before our time. Today’s subject is a specific one that has baffled all types of historians for centuries. Have historians truly uncovered the mummy of Nefertiti? This episode was aired three years ago so things may have changed since then.

Do I believe it was Nefertiti? Well …… yes, why should I deny all the proof that the mummy is Nefertiti the most beautiful and important queen of Egypt. First of all might I list to you all the plausible things that connect her to the mummy: the long neck, band mark where her crown would be, bald, double ear piercing, brain was left behind, smashed mouth, right arm folded, parts of Nefer beads left behind on chest, body mutilated on mouth area, mummy has her stab wound, and the fact that she was buried by her husband’s mother and brother.


The people who mutilated her body weren’t thieves but people with a grudge. The reason they weren’t thieves was because they smashed her mouth which is unusual because there are no treasures hidden there. They were enemies because the reason they smashed her mouth was so that she wouldn’t supposedly be able to recognize her body in her spirit life. There are many people who would want revenge against her for the following reasons: she and her husband took away many old gods making a crisis of faith, cause economic crisis and she was a deviation of the common rule which includes the fact that she was independent and equal to her husband.

She became more than a queen when she became a pharaoh. That is believable because she was a power hungry. The supposed mummy, whom I believe is Nefertiti, was buried with her right arm crossed and only a pharaoh, who is usually a male, would ever be buried that way.

Don’t mess with people or else they will mess you up, even if you’re dead.

Neolithic Revolution: Why Was the Neolithic Revolution Important?

The Neolithic Revolution was important because it was what built the foundations of life today. In the Paleolithic age they were nomads, going from place to place, to follow their food (animals) which meant they had no exact home .The Neolithic Revolution gave us farming, farming caused the need for a permanent home and as others began to catch on they gained villages. In this period of time they became more civilized. They made their own food and discovered that they could domesticate, or tame, the animals instead of following them where ever they go.

Well organized governments were developed to manage its people because growth of population in cities. They had the complex religion of polytheistic, which means to have many gods, and with a stable home they built temples. Being assigned to jobs they could manage, with job placement, the people put their skills to work. With jobs social classes developed which separated people by their jobs. Arts and architecture expressed the beliefs and values of the people who created them. Strong rulers ordered systems, roads, bridges, and defensive walls; to be built. Writing developed mainly as pictographs in temples to have a record of certain things.

Now if we were to reflect we would see that if they had never taken the courageous step of learning to farm then we may not have the things that we have today. For it is our ancestors that determine our future; so if one courageous person tries something new and passes it on, then we are making a step towards the future.